5 Big Data Questions Your GPS Provider Must Answer

Before you rush to invest in solutions that promise to deliver Big Data, there are a number of key considerations to keep in mind. Be sure to ask any solutions provider you’re evaluating where they stand on these issues, and how they plan to address them.

  • Is my data secure, and will you keep me in compliance?

Protecting data should always be the utmost priority. Federal and state regulations hold dealers responsible for ensuring the security and privacy of their customers’ data. Make sure your provider will support you by keeping your data secure and under the most current regulations.

  1. Will I have instant access to my data when I need it?

Your data’s no good to you unless you can access it whenever you need to. Look for solutions providers who can guarantee service availability and continuity to ensure you’re continually connected to your vehicles and your valuable information. Ask about the provider’s infrastructure and how they plan to let you know about service performance.

  1. Will you be able to keep up with my data demands?

Your GPS tracking solution should be able to scale with you as your business and data demands grow. When you need to access more vehicle data, will the provider be able to accommodate this increase in demand without impacting service or data delivery? If the provider’s other customers suddenly have a spike in data demands, will that slow down your service?

  1. Will you be able to respond to changes in the market and technology?

Data-mining technology is constantly evolving. Will your provider be able to stay ahead of these changes and take advantage of new advancements?

  1. What will you do with all my data?

Your solution should not only be able to capture Big Data. It should be able to store, secure and manage your growing data — today, tomorrow and well into the future. This data should be leveraged to make predictions about the future performance of your vehicle assets and business, so that you can put the proper strategies in place.

Delivering the Promise of Big Data
Big Data does offer big bottom-line potential. To realize that potential, you’ll need a solutions provider who understands the value of Big Data, and how to put that data to work for you. Asking these key questions will go a long way to helping you choose a partner who can deliver the data you need to make faster, smarter, more profitable business decisions.

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