Case Study

GPS tracking for plumbers

How Is GPS Tracking Helping Plumbers Improve Profitability?

Case Study, Drivers, Fleet Management, Savings

Some plumbers believe that GPS tracking for plumbers is too expensive or too complicated. Several plumbing companies have proven that is not true. Tommy Rooter Saves $1500/Month with Fleet Tracking For the past five years owner Tommy Clarke and his wife Beth have been monitoring their entire fleet from their home base in Indio, CA, […]

How Is GPS Tracking Helping Plumbers Improve Profitability? Read More »

Case study: Darling Ingredients - compliance, productivity and utilization with FleetLocate by Spireon

Case Study: Darling Ingredients and the Real World Challenges of Implementation

Case Study, Compliance, Drivers, ELD, Fleet Management

Case Study: Darling Ingredients is a global developer and producer of sustainable natural ingredients from edible and inedible bio-nutrients With operations in 18 countries on five continents, headquarters in Irving, Texas, and approximately 10,000 employees worldwide generating annual revenue around $3.7 million, Darling is extremely invested in fleets, transportation, and the logistics of moving its

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Increasing Fleet Safety Means Improvements in Efficiency

Why Improving Fleet Safety Increases Efficiency – A Case Study

Case Study, Fleet Management, Fleet Safety

How One Fleet Dramatically Decreased Accident Costs and Increased Compliance Everyone in the transportation industry understands there’s a lot you could lose any time your drivers get behind the wheel and fleet safety isn’t a priority. Poor driver behavior can cost your business tons of money in vehicle damage, legal, and medical costs. According to the

Why Improving Fleet Safety Increases Efficiency – A Case Study Read More »

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