Thank you to everyone who participated in our FleetLocate “Show Us the Love” contest! Participants let us know how they use FleetLocate in their business and how it improved operational efficiency, reduced wasted costs, improved driver safety, or any other ways it increased ROI for their company.
While we appreciated all the submissions, we could only choose three winners:

Grand Prize Winner
Company: Pan American Express, Texas
Submitter: Raul L.
# of Trailers/Containers: 750
“FleetLocate has been a blessing in so many ways. It not only allows us to live track our equipment but provides a live picture OTD to provide our customers. Without satisfied customers, we might as well close shop.
Return on investment has come in so many different ways that you need to compartmentalize the gains in each of the different departments that make up Pan American Express.
Equipment Control
1. Automatic reports set to run when trailers are sitting for X days without movement. This puts everyone in the mind frame if a trailer does not move, it is not producing.
2. Minimize or completely eradicate equipment being stolen, especially for a company that operates cross-border.
3. Detention of equipment on drop and hook customers. Reports allow departments to have an almost automatic billing process to send to customers.
4. Ease of tracking equipment installation. Self-installation allows the company to save, especially when the fleet continues to grow.
Dispatch Department
1. Ease of tracking from any computer, mobile phone, or tablet with internet access.
2. The reduction of phone calls to drivers has been dramatic. We can tell where a driver has been, where they’re going, or where he’s at within seconds. It takes longer to dial a phone number.
3. In addition to reducing phone calls, it increases safety for our drivers. They are able to focus on job one, the road. This, in turn, increases the miles driven safely. It diminishes costly accidents, not only monetarily, but socially. A company that is safe on the road helps increase the safety of the people we share the roads with. This is due to being able to track and see live what a trailer is doing or not doing. Safe drivers lower insurance premiums as well, which all goes to the bottom line of the company. A company that is more profitable is able to share with its employees.
Customer Service
1. We are able to provide a live picture almost 100% of the time from anywhere.
2. Our response time to a customer has gone from minutes to seconds in some cases.
3. Geofencing allows us to send automatic updates to customers who need them.
4. Allows Customer Service to offer new services to our customers to improve our bond with them. It allows Customer Service to suggest Sales to move forward with offering coverage for new lanes.
1. Sales use FleetLocate as added value when offering services.
2. Sales is able to possibly offer higher rates because of these tracking capabilities.
3. Detention reports are not only used to improve our ROI but also can help the customer become more efficient in his or her own business. No one wants to pay money for nothing. If detentions can be avoided, then we can help them. This is an added value that mutually benefits both companies’ bottom line.
This is a fraction of what adding FleetLocate has meant to Pan American Express.
We strive every day to remain competitive in the trucking industry and having this tool has helped us tremendously. It is easy to take for granted how profound it is in so many different ways a product makes you much more efficient.”

2nd Place Winner
Company: Aguaworks Pipe & Supply, Texas
Submitter: Debra B.
# of Vehicles: 10
“I’m going to be the Gladys Kravitz of fleet location! We’ve been in business 10 years and I’ve often wondered where the heck some of our drivers are and why it’s taking so long on some of their deliveries. The great rate we got allows me to be my own spy! Our ROI should skyrocket now!”

3rd Place Winner
Company: Merx Global, Illinois
Submitter: Pavel P.
# of Trailers/Containers: 250
“We use FleetLocate’s Inactivity report to monitor trailers that have been idle for 30 days or more to make sure they weren’t forgotten.”
Congratulations to the winners and thank you if you participated in our Show Us the Love Contest!
Want to Know More About Pan American Express’ Success?
GPS trailer tracking enabled Pan American Express to save over one million dollars in one year. They were able to double their trailer utilization rate from 18% to 36%, improve customer satisfaction and reduce equipment expenses by at least $35,000 back in 2015. These improvements are big, considering that Pan American Express operates more than 800 trailers that are always moving in and out of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
Achieving these results started with the company testing 4 different trailer tracking solutions. In the end, they chose Spireon FleetLocate for its winning attributes: enduring device battery life, easy to use software, expanded network coverage, and focus on customer service. With the help of Spireon’s tracking solution, Panamex was able to make a big impact on their operations.
Find all the details in the full case study here.